This is the Agreement between you (the Client) and Adi Shakti LLC,, and Adi Shakti’s group coaching programs, including Spiritual Technology.

Included in these Terms & Conditions: Spiritual Technology Agreement, Waiver, and Release of Liability

Upon enrollment for Spiritual Technology, you hereby consent to abide by the stipulated conditions. It is important to acknowledge that failure to accept these terms, including the Waiver and Release of Liability, will result in your inability to take part in Spiritual Technology. Additionally, any breach of the terms outlined in this Agreement may lead to the termination of said Agreement by Adi Shakti LLC, with no entitlement to refunds.

You confirm that you agree to all of these terms and conditions by checking the Terms + Conditions box.

What You Will Receive:

Spiritual Technology contains 4 pre-recorded online modules. You will have access to these recordings for the lifetime of the program.

You will receive access to a bonus “pre-program” module and electronic versions of journal prompts for the lifetime of the program.

You will have access to a private Facebook community for the duration of program enrollment (6 months).

You will have access to live online (via zoom) practices and integration circles twice per month during the duration of program enrollment (6 months).

You will receive 6 KALI session passes. Passes may be used for up to 6 live online (via Zoom) KALI sessions during the program enrollment period (6 months). Any unused passes will be void after the duration of the program enrollment (6 months).


You have the following payment options: 1. Pay in Full, 2. Split Pay, or 3. Payment Plan.
*The fees outlined in the options below do not include any discounts or coupons*

1. Pay In Full Option

The program cost is $3333 if paid in full, due upon enrollment. By signing this Agreement, you commit to paying Adi Shakti LLC the full purchase amount. If you opt for the Pay In Full Option, you must remit the Program Fee of $3333 USD and return a signed copy of this agreement to the Company within 24 hours of purchase. Failure to meet this deadline will result in forfeiture of your admission into the Spiritual Technology Program.

2. Split Pay Option

If you opt for the split pay option, the program fee will be divided into 2 monthly payments of $1700 USD each. To select the split pay option, you must make an Initial Payment of $1700 USD to Adi Shakti LLC and return a signed copy of this agreement to the Company within 24 hours of purchase. The Initial Payment is due upon purchase. Failure to return a signed copy of this Agreement and pay the Initial Payment by the deadline will result in forfeiture of your admission into the Program. The remaining balance of $1700 USD is to be paid in monthly installments of $1700, starting 30 days following the initial payment. You acknowledge that the Spiritual Technology Program is not a monthly membership and that the fee in total is earned by Adi Shakti at the time you are granted access to the Spiritual Technology Program. You agree not to cease payments unless specifically agreed to in writing by Adi Shakti LLC. You also agree to maintain a valid credit card in the Spiritual Technology Program’s secure payment site.

3. Payment Plan Option

If you opt for the payment plan option, the program fee will be divided into 6 monthly payments of $650 USD each. To select the payment plan, you must make an Initial Payment of $650 USD to Adi Shakti LLC and return a signed copy of this agreement to the Company within 24 hours of purchase. The Initial Payment is due upon purchase. Failure to return a signed copy of this Agreement and pay the Initial Payment by the deadline will result in forfeiture of your admission into the Spiritual Technology Program. The remaining balance of $3250 USD is to be paid in monthly installments of $650, starting 30 days following the initial payment. You acknowledge that the Spiritual Technology Program is not a monthly membership and that the fee in total is earned by Adi Shakti LLC at the time you are granted access to the Spiritual Technology Program. You agree not to cease payments unless specifically agreed to in writing by Adi Shakti LLC. You also agree to maintain a valid credit card in the Spiritual Technology Program’s secure payment site.

Program Access

Access to the program will be provided upon receipt of payment. You will receive access to the Pre-Program module first, and then the remaining modules will be dripped throughout the 6-month duration of the Spiritual Technology Program. Your purchase and access signify your agreement to all the terms and conditions outlined herein. Additionally, you affirm your agreement to these terms and conditions by checking the Terms + Conditions box. You also agree to submit an electronically signed copy of this Agreement within 24 hours of purchase. Failure to submit the signed Agreement may result in the loss of access to the Spiritual Technology Program until the signed Agreement is submitted.

Credit Card Authorization

Each party involved acknowledges that the Company will charge the credit card selected by the Client. Should you fail to fulfill any payments according to the scheduled payment plan, or if your card is withdrawn, declined, or subject to chargeback, Adi Shakti LLC reserves the right to promptly exclude you from the Spiritual Technology Program until the outstanding payment is settled in full. This exclusion entails revoking access to modules, materials, KALI sessions, and live group coaching practices. If you remain in default for five (5) days beyond the payment due date, it will constitute a breach of this Agreement. At its discretion, Adi Shakti LLC may then terminate this agreement, refer unpaid amounts to collections, and/or employ any other legal remedy to collect the outstanding balance. Unpaid past-due amounts will accrue interest at the maximum rate permitted by law, and you are accountable for all associated fees and collection costs, including attorney's fees.

Should you need to update the initially provided payment information, arrangements must be made to update the card details no later than 14 days before the payment is due. Furthermore, if you require updating payment information after a charge has been processed, an additional 3% fee will be added to cover the costs associated with refunding the original payment and processing the payment on a new card.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

No refunds will be made. No refund will be available if you attend a program and are dissatisfied with its presentation or content, or if you do not actively participate for any reason. The entire fee for the Spiritual Technology Program is non-refundable and non-transferable. If you choose the split pay or payment plan option, you are obligated to pay the remaining balance to Adi Shakti LLC. Timely monthly payments are required for the split pay or payment plan options, and any failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the Spiritual Technology Program.

Adi Shakti LLC reserves the right to legally compel you to settle any outstanding balance in the event of cancellation or non-payment. Additionally, no partial refunds will be granted for reasons such as your absence during live online practices, your inability to attend group coaching circles due to cancellation or rescheduling difficulties, your financial situation, or any other reason you decide not to continue with the Spiritual Technology Program.

If you miss a payment, your access will be immediately removed to the program.

No Guarantees

As this is an independent study program, it is up to you what you get out of the Spiritual Technology program. No guarantees can be made for the results from this program. 

Ownership of Intellectual Property

All materials provided in Spiritual Technology, including without limitation, audio and video recordings, written or printed documents, photographs are and will remain the sole and exclusive property of Adi Shakti LLC. You also agree not to share your login information to the course without permission.


Spiritual Technology is for healthy people who are 18 years of age or older. Spiritual Technology is a rigorous program. You are solely responsible for your own experiences and wellbeing throughout the program.

The utilization of practices such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, kundalini activation energy work (KALI), and self-inquiry, among other related techniques, may lead to non-ordinary states of consciousness. Adi Shakti LLC explicitly disclaims responsibility for managing the personal health and wellness needs of participants. Should discomfort, emotional unease, physical pain, mental anxiety, stress, or depression arise, participants agree to seek professional assistance from a qualified therapist or medical practitioner outside the program.

This program is not suitable for individuals who are pregnant or have conditions such as schizophrenia, brain disorders, brain injuries, heart conditions, glaucoma, lung diseases, or lung injuries. Approval from a doctor is required for enrollment if participants have any illnesses or injuries. If there are any concerns or questions about one's ability to engage in the program's activities, participants agree to consult with a qualified medical practitioner outside the program.

The choice to use audiovisual brainwave entrainment (AVE) in this program adds additional risk, and the use of AVE is completely optional. By freely choosing to use AVE in this program, you agree that you are responsible for your own health and wellbeing. AVE involves flashing lights, which carries a risk of seizure and migraine headaches. AVE is not intended for people with epilepsy, a history of seizures, brain injuries, or brain disorders. Some people may experience sensitivity to light, which may include discomfort, headaches, or pain during or following AVE. AVE may also result in intense and uncomfortable emotional responses. You agree to listen to your body in the case of pain or discomfort. You recognize that you are in control of your usage of AVE, and you always have the opportunity to decrease the light and sound intensity or discontinue use of the device.

You affirm that you are healthy and you confirm the absence of the aforementioned conditions. In the event of any concerns or experiences of pain or discomfort of any kind, including uncomfortable emotions, anxiety, stress, depression, or physical pain, participants agree to seek professional assistance from a qualified therapist or medical practitioner outside the program.

Affirmation of Good Health

Spiritual Technology is intended for individuals who are 18 years of age or older and in good health. It is not suitable for those who are pregnant or have conditions such as schizophrenia, brain disorders, brain injuries, heart conditions, glaucoma, lung diseases, or lung injuries. By enrolling in Spiritual Technology, you confirm that you do not have any conditions that would significantly increase the risk to your health due to participation. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, physical injuries, weakness, or are post-natal, you agree to consult with your doctor before enrolling in Spiritual Technology.

It is understood that participants must be in adequate physical and mental health to engage in Spiritual Technology. The practices within may cause or exacerbate injuries, medical conditions, or aggravate pre-existing conditions. You acknowledge the responsibility to consult with a physician before enrolling. You are aware that participation in Spiritual Technology could lead to changes in heart rate or blood pressure, fainting, physical injury, heart attack, or stroke. Muscle, back, neck, and other injuries may also occur. Recognizing your physical limitations, you commit to being sufficiently self-aware to halt or modify participation before sustaining or worsening an injury.

The use of audiovisual brainwave entrainment (AVE) increases the risk of seizures and migraine headaches, and practices involving non-ordinary states of consciousness may elicit intense emotional responses or states of mental confusion. You agree that you understand your mental and emotional limitations and are sufficiently self-aware to stop or modify your participation in Spiritual Technology as needed.

Changes in Health

In the event of any changes in your health necessitating the discontinuation or postponement of your program participation, it is mandatory to inform Adi Shakti LLC in writing at within seven days of the change in your health status. Subsequently, Adi Shakti LLC will assess the situation and determine the fairest and most suitable course of action regarding your ability to participate in the program.

Medical Disclaimer

You acknowledge that Adi Shakti LLC is not a medical or healthcare professional, and the Spiritual Technology program does not serve as medical treatment or advice. Your use of any recommendations or information within Spiritual Technology is entirely voluntary, and you accept sole responsibility for choosing to implement them. In the context of any physical or mental health issues, ailments, conditions, brain injuries, brain disorders, or other diseases, you are hereby advised that seeking competent medical advice from a licensed medical or mental health professional is your responsibility. You comprehend and agree that Spiritual Technology is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not recommended and may not be safe under certain medical conditions.

You affirm that a licensed physician has verified your good health and physical condition for participation in such a program.

Furthermore, you commit to informing Adi Shakti LLC promptly of any medical conditions, physical limitations, or pregnancy as soon as you become aware of them.

The Spiritual Technology program is not suitable for those who are pregnant. If you become pregnant, you agree to contact Adi Shakti LLC to determine the most appropriate and equitable path forward. If you are post-natal or post-surgical, you confirm that you have obtained a physician's approval to participate.

You acknowledge that the decision to enroll in Spiritual Technology is yours alone, and participation is at your own risk. Having read and understood this Agreement and Waiver, your agreement to these terms demonstrates your voluntary engagement and assumption of the associated risks.

You confirm that you agree to all of these terms and conditions, including this waiver, by checking the Terms + Conditions box.

Release of Liability

In exchange for participation in the activity of All activities included in Adi Shakti's Spiritual Technology you agree for myself and (if applicable) for the members of my family, to the following:

1. Agreement To Follow Directions. I agree to observe and obey all posted rules and warnings, and further agree to follow any oral instructions or directions given by Adi Shakti LLC, or the employees, representatives, or agents of Adi Shakti LLC.

2. Assumption of the Risks and Release. I recognize that there are certain inherent risks associated with the above-described activity and I assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself and (if applicable) my family members, and further release and discharge Adi Shakti LLC for injury, loss, or damage arising out of my or my family's use of or presence upon the facilities of Adi Shakti LLC, whether caused by the fault of myself, my family, Adi Shakti LLC or other third parties.

3. Indemnification. I agree to indemnify and defend Adi Shakti LLC against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs, or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my or my family's use of or presence upon the facilities of Adi Shakti LLC.

4. Fees. I agree to pay for all damages to the facilities of Adi Shakti LLC caused by any negligent, reckless, or willful actions by me or my family.

5. Applicable Law. Any legal or equitable claim that may arise from participation in the above shall be resolved under New Mexico law.

6. No Duress. I agree and acknowledge that I am under no pressure or duress to sign this agreement and that I have been given a reasonable opportunity to review it before signing. I further agree and acknowledge that I am free to have my own legal counsel review this agreement if I so desire.

7. Arm's Length Agreement. This agreement and each of its terms are the product of an arm's length negotiation between the Parties. In the event any ambiguity is found to exist in the interpretation of this agreement or any of its provisions, the Parties, and each of them, explicitly reject the application of any legal or equitable rule of interpretation which would lead to a construction either "for" or "against" a particular party based upon their status as the drafter of a specific term, language, or provision giving rise to such ambiguity.

8. Enforceability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this agreement, whether standing alone or as applied to a particular occurrence or circumstance, shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this agreement or of any other applications of such provision, as the case may be. Such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this agreement.

You have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

You confirm that you agree to all of these terms and conditions by checking the Terms + Conditions box.

Terms & Conditions